Saturday, June 23, 2012

A Quality Writers Conference – WRITE TO PUBLISH

What do you look for in a Christian writer’s conference? Are numbers of attendees and professional staff important? There are other elements of a conference to consider such as: the teaching offered, agent or editor appointments available, and worship.  How about the location?

Well I’m happy to report that the Write To Publish conference, held on the Wheaton College campus in Illinois, is a fabulous place to learn, connect, and be inspired. The staff is exceptional; the personal touch is heartfelt, and motivating. If anyone wants to become a published author this is the conference, which will assist them to take the necessary steps leading to larger goals and dreams.

Almost two hundred writers of different genres attended. The campus atmosphere was warm and welcoming. Professional staff and fellow published writers were truly interested in aiding newer writers with an unhurried and generous attitude. The teachings were informative, encouraging and professional. I couldn’t have asked for more. I took advantage of the agent appointments and was so pleased at the relaxed, friendly, yet professional time spent.

One powerful message I heard at this conference will always stick with me. “If God has giving you something to write, how dare you keep it to yourself.” If you have a burning desire to write, then do so with His leading, with skill, and excellence! 

Always write for His Glory!!  


  1. So sad that I missed it. But am planning for next year.

  2. Hi Chris you were definately missed. It is a winning conference and I advise you to attend when you can!!
