Saturday, October 6, 2012


PENS OF PRAISEChristian Writers Group
Next meeting…
Saturday, October 13th  ~  10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Faith Church
2201  42nd Street, Manitowoc, WI  54220

§   Faith Church is located next to Festival Foods

§   Not far from the Manitowoc exit off Interstate 43


The teaching for October is called “Premise What Good Is It & How to Make One” Taught by Susan Kinney

Our prompt for October is…

 Write a recommendation for a book you enjoyed or felt useful.

Also, you are invited to bring a short five minute sample of you own work in progress if you so desire to share it in a safe friendly environment. This is not required to attend the meeting.

We may share a book report on a novel or a “how to” for writing!

Remember - visit a local shop and bring your coffee or cappuccino with you.

Let us know if you’re attending so we can save a seat just for you.

If you have questions or concerns call Becky McLafferty at (920)758-9196 or e-mail her at or call Susan Kinney at (920)242-3631 or e-mail her at             or

We look forward to seeing you there! May God bless you richly and always as you write for His glory!



  1. this sounds so fun! wish i were in your neck of the woods.

  2. ps. are you near milwaukee? my husband comes every quarter
    for a northwestern mutual life board meeting.

  3. Greetings Myletterstomemily! I wish you were in our neck of the woods also. We have a wonderful bunch of poets, article writers, devotion writers, and aspiring novelists! We learn so much from one another in a kind and friendly atmosphere! We are 1 1/2 hours away from Milwaukee! Wouldn't that be great if it worked out for you to come with him sometime and visit us!! Country Memories Farms (Becky McLafferty)will be holding another writer's conference in July I believe. That would be great to attend also! :)

  4. This would be fun! Alas, it's a bit too much of a commute, although I'd love to see your leaves turning color.

  5. Greetings Jenny! It would be great to have you come and share some writing and comaradie with the troops! Good to see you here! Blessings!
