Wednesday, April 10, 2013

June Gallogher
My precious friend, June! What a perfect name because your smile holds the warmth of a summer day! I’ve thought of you so often, but not called enough. It’s true I’ve allowed the urgent and busy to get the upper hand. But each time your face danced across my mind a smile plays upon my lips. The thought of you swells my heart with gratitude for we shared talks and laughter that time cannot erase. You graceful, spunky lady! You showered kindness upon all who came in contact with you. Your obliviousness to your own beauty made you all the more lovely to me.
We met at one of the first Pens of Praise meetings. Remember us few, eager, and excited writers, so thrilled to meet with those who understood the power that pen and paper held over us. Together we realized the need to communicate, comfort, and inspire. The passion of expression pumped through our veins, igniting ideas and hope.  Your warm and encouraging ways touched my heart and changed me forever. I am so grateful that I know you! Your unselfishly written poetry, shared to comfort grieving hearts unaccustomed to the temporary separation of a loved one, quickened the memory of joy filled and treasured moments.  Your ministry of comfort brought a balm of healing to those caught off balance by the realization that we are mortal after all.  How many fortunate people did you write your precious poetry for? Even if you knew the number of them, you have no way to measure the sweet comfort you’re willingness to serve provided. When I asked you to write one of your poems for my own daughter’s friend with very short notice, you put your hand and mind to the task to serve someone you'd never met. You never looked at what you could receive but only what you could offer. I wanted to write you a poem today, but I don’t have your knack. So I thought I would write you this note instead to share my admiration, love, and gratitude for your influence on my life.
I keep the creative, pizzazzy Valentine’s Day card you made me in my writer’s room. It rests in plain sight on my book shelf. This is my favorite room though it is small, so I only include the most important books and memorabilia on the shelves. You wrote a note of gratitude to me for organizing a great writers group and you blessed me! My darling friend, you were of more help and encouragement than you ever realized. (You gave a card like this to Becky too!) The poem you and your friend Mary Melberg had pasted inside went like this:
Love is like a flower,
So beautiful and true.
Today I’m sending Lots of love….
Especially for ….YOU!!
Happy Valentine’s Day.
I know that you’re not feeling up to a hug or a phone call my friend. But, I’m wishing you all the love and comfort and joy your sweet spirit can hold! I think of you more often then you know! As I think of you it is almost as rich as our telephone calls and our walk that summer day I visited you at your home. Thank you dear friend for your listening ear and words of encouragement, which were always laced with wisdom and kindness! Your love for family and friends and those in need always shines through like the sun kissed warmth of a summer day.
Oh how I do appreciate and love you June Gallogher…
Blessings to you and yours,
Susan Kinney J


  1. Hi Susan! I hope all is well in your world. Please know I think of you often.
    Hugs, Patti Jo (CatMom)

    1. Hi CatMom!! I also think of you! Things are going well for my hubby and me and the perfect puppy and Zoey the wild puddy cat!! I look forward to this summer when I have more time to write but I also enjoy my job! I'll stop in to your blog tonight!Blessings in abundance!!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you Chris, she is a spectacular lady! We all smiled to see her comming.She doesn't have long on this world. I'm grateful for all the memories she and I shared.
